Recently, well not that recent, I ordered three CDs from Hydra Head records and when the package finally came (like after five months, a postcard, and two phone calls) in addition to the fine music I had ordered, for some reason there was a single from Neurosis's newest album in there. I poped it in and actually ended up liking it a billion times more then any of the stuff I had actually paid for so I ran out and bought this CD and am still feeling a little overwhelmed. A very heavy Metal album, that has a rather sinister tribal-type percussion, beautifully layered guitars and an incredibly complex sound. This album is a total work of art and I think it crosses a lot of boundaries, anyone who is into Metal, Hardcore, or harder punk would probably love this and anyone into guitar-heavy indie rock (like Shellac or Fugazi) would probably be able to appreciate and enjoy this album.
A neat thing is that the band has an alter ego Tribes of Neurot which they recorded an album of more ambient, tribal, percussion heavy music that you are actually supposed to coordinate and play at the same time as this Neurosis album and they are created to compliment and enhance each other. I only have a shitty little boom box right now and don't have the Tribes of Neurot album so I haven't experienced this yet, but I think it'll be the first thing I buy when I get some speakers for my receiver.
Review: James Squeaky
