As always, Jurassic put on a show tighter than a... (you
know what). Each element of their six member set is so thoroughly dense and
rehearsed that multiple viewing is required. Each performance has its own
flavor and they usually bring special guests including MC Supernatural and
Click, the SuperLatin. Supernatural is winning freestyle rhyming battles
across the country and will be a part of Jurassic’s next tour, Click is a
human beatbox who, at Coachella, brought his son on stage for an audience-
rousing duet.
 With new material from their forthcoming album, Jurassic 5 has
gradually accumulated a formidable live set. There is little room for error
as each MC and both DJ’s are hitting cues for solo and simultaneous parts
thoughout the show. Part of J5’s skill lies in their combination of old
favorites, new shit, and improvised tactics. The most important part of a
Jurassic perfomance, however, are all the hotties that show up.

Review: Delaney Bishop photos by Alex D
