Ring the alarm! Loud
Records gets major political backing on this incendiary release.
Dead Prez is bringing a full plate of reality to the table
- this is truly music to riot to. Let's Get Free is an excellent
idea as well as a great album title, aren’t we all weary of the
helicopters flying overhead information, and sick of the police
who may shoot an innocent man 41 times without provocation only
to be cleared of all charges? Knowledge the song titles "They Schools",
"Police State", "Enemy Lines", "We Want Freedom" and "Pistol" and
its apparent Dead Prez are dropping bombs. "(I’m An) African"
is a series of lyrical jewels about the origin of Black people everywhere,
against a sizzling bass-n-drum background. "Enemy Lines" depicts
the struggle of Black Panther Fred Hampton and his children and
grandchildren, and is quite possibly one of the tightest songs of
the millennium production-wise. The subject matter of "Let’s
Get Free" includes blowing up police precincts, meeting at Capital
Hill to assassinate the president, and other politically charged
content. Even so, the CD has more personal moments as well, like
"Mind Sex" which puts conversation before penetration and "Discipline"
which speaks to being diligent in the everyday tasks of one’s life.
This is the album Hip Hop has been waiting for, not politics as
usual, but FUCK politics as usual. Even the beats are political,
flavorously spiced with jungle and drum-n-bass rythms Dead Prez
means to reach the people with Let’s Get Free and reach them
by any means necessary.
Review: Miranda Jane
courtesy of hiphop-elements.com
