It was Beck’s show Saturday at Coachella. Coming into the festival,
media personnel and guests were required to sign a photo release with the
single name BECK! sprawled across the top - just Beck. On stage, purple
threads fit for a prince clung to his small body as he channeled an
explosion of energy, moving the crowd in seismic jolts. Backed by his
‘New Pollution’ orchestra, under giant letters from the title of his
forthcoming Midnight Vultures album, the ageless boy flawlessly married
his complex lyrics to melodies that remained on whistling lips through
the duration of the next day.
 After warming up with ‘Novacaine’, then
‘New Pollution’ from Odelay, he treated the crowd to ‘Sex Laws’, his
new single drawing from elements of the Mutations B-side; ‘Electric Music
for the Summer People’. Then he played ‘Don’t Let the Sun See You Cryin’,
then he played....well, he eventually played ‘Loser’ which I’m not sure
he should play anymore, I mean, I don’t think it applies anymore. And I
don’t think anyone should kill him - even though that’s what it says in
the song.
Review: Delaney Bishop
